Do you happen to know author Christine Valters Paintner, of Abbey of the Arts dot com? (As I’ve reread your columns with themes of nuns, monasteries, & lives with ritual & meaning, I thought you might like her Monk Manifesto, for ordinary monks & mystics.) This year, I decided to return to her writing process, “Give Me a Word”, and so far, “RENEWAL” is looming as the word of the year seeking me out. (I was typing so fast I had typed “work” of the year, so maybe that too.) Thank you for your writing, and all the best to you on your parenting adventure. As we await news of your new little one, whenever you’re inspired to return to “Out of Office”, here’s a favorite quote to accompany you, from Kobi Yamada (CEO, Compendium).

“The future is sending back good wishes, and waiting with open arms.”

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A word for an entire year? It feels like even more pressure. How about a phrase or quote? I've been reading David Goggins Can't Hurt Me. That phrase has felt really good when doing anything that's difficult or new.

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