Yup I definitely feel this. Especially the bit about feeling you need to have excuses to leave your desk otherwise you stay there till a “reasonable hour.” What’s been helping me is joining co-working zoom calls with other people in my network- 2 hours a day. Even if no one else joins the call it seems to keep me focused. Then whether or not I’ve done anything else for work I feel like I’ve at least done something substantial! And let’s face it, when I worked in an office I probably spent half my day chatting and making excuses to be away from my desk anyway...

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Yes, and I've tried so many ways to make myself knuckle down and get on with work so that I can then use the bits of free time that I do have productively or to relax. But work expands to fit a space. All the techniques I've tried work for limited periods but as some point the effect fades and I realise that I'm back in that flat loop: make time for good/necessary things --> feel like I'm not doing enough work --> resent good/necessary things --> fill time with work (in the worst way, by dragging things out) --> need time for good/necessary things --> back to square one....

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Yes, I feel like this ALL the time! I have a current deadline at the end of the month, and the truth is I could probably sit down and get the rest of it done this week...but for some reason, I always end up dragging it out. Maybe because, if I didn't, I'd have a lot of "free" time and I'd feel very aware that I wasn't using it to earn...

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